Before applying please read carefully...


Signing to our agency is a commitment for not only the client but for the parents too of under 18s.

Sometimes auditions can come in and the turn around for a self tape is 3 days.

Also we may ask you to go into London for a 5pm audition the next day.  Are you happy to do this?

If you are a parent or guardian of an under 18 client would you be able to take them to the audition with 24 hours notice?

Please consider if you can support the commitment of professional representation both timewise and financially.

We represent those who prioritise auditions. Auditions and jobs may mean absence from school.

If you are not happy with your child missing school then professional representation may not be right for you. 

We also understand that you are not always available. This is why communicating your unavailability is extremely important.

If we find that you are consistantly turning down casting opportunites then we will need to terminate our contract with you. We will also terminate our contract with the client if Tagmin and Spotlight are not kept up to date after persistent requests.

We will also terminate your contract if you are persistently late with sending in self tapes or being late for auditions and jobs.



Are you a SOLE Agency?


We are a sole agency which means you cannot be represented by another agent.

Please do not apply if you are already represented by another agent for TV, Film, Theatre & Commercials.

We do not specialise in voiceover or modelling although occasionally they can come through to us.

We are more than happy to discuss if you also want to be represented by another agent that deals in those areas.

We don't want to have submission clashes so please contact us first.



When and how will I know if my agency audition has been successful?


We aim to let everyone know within 2/3 weeks by email, if you have been successful or not.

We will ask for a Zoom or in person meeting before offering you representation.

If you have written to us when our books are closed you may not get a response until our books are open again.



Why did I not get on the agency?


There can be various reasons why you did not get on our books this time.

This could be because we already have too many clients with the same height, age, look or acting style or we feel you are not quite

ready yet. Please don't give up!! Keep training and working hard.

Please leave it 6 months before applying again.



What happens if I do get on the agency?


We will send you a contract to sign with our terms and conditions.

There is NO cost to audition and NO admin fee to join the agency.


There may be fees, throughout the year, for workshops or training for our clients. These are all optional.

Children change constantly so we would always recommend getting new headshots at least once a year. 


Please note you do not need professional headshots to start with. Just a clear, face on head and shoulders.

We expect professional headshots to be taken within 3 months of signing with GLSTM.


You/your child will need to become a member of Spotlight to be represented by us.

We will email you all the relevant details once you have signed the agency contract.


We will then also send you an email to login to Tagmin. You need to keep Tagmin up to date.

Tagmin needs to be completed within 2 weeks of signing the agency contract.


New clients age 18 and above need to already be a Spotlight member to be represented by GLSTM.



What is Spotlight?                   


Spotlight connects professional performers with many casting opportunities around the world. Spotlight is one of the best ways to promote yourself as a performer. It is recognised by casting professionals to have the most talented performers on the spotlight database. Spotlight must be updated regularly. To join their database it is approximately £116 per year for a child. £172.50 for an adult. Monthly direct debit option is available.

Spotlight needs to be live within 2 weeks of signing the agency contract.

Please note you can use a clear, face on head and shoulders headshot taken at home to complete your application. Professional headshots need to be taken within 3 months of signing with GLSTM. These are the 1st thing casting see.

Once the shots are chosen and high resolution shots have been sent to you they can then be uploaded to Spotlight.


GLS Talent Management are registered as an approved agent on Spotlight.              



What is expected of me once I sign the contract?


Everyone who is signed with GLS Talent Management are expected to keep all their details updated regularly on

Tagmin and Spotlight. These need to be completed within 2 weeks of signing the agency contract.


This includes availability, head shots, height, covid vaccinations including the parents of under 18s, passport expiry, skills and pronouns.

Passports need to have 6 months or more left to be able to be submitted for work abroad.

ALL clients need their own bank account including children.

If the client is under 18 it is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to keep us updated.

We cannot submit you for work if your information is incorrect. 

Having incorrect information can jeopardise future castings for yourself, other clients and our reputation as an agency.

If information is not updated after being persistently asked then your contract will be terminated.



How does it all work once I have signed my agency contract?


As your agent we actively look for upcoming roles/jobs.

We receive a 'brief' through Spotlight and occasionally through social media. This is to outline the nature of the role(s).

From this brief we select suitable clients according to the criteria they are asking for.

This could be hair colour, height, age, location etc. We then do an 'availibilty check' from the dates you have given us to simply check if you are available on the dates the brief specifies. Please note this does not mean you have been confirmed for a role/job. 

From here we submit the suitable clients to the Casting Director/Production Company.

Please note that being submitted as suitable for a role does not mean you will be asked to audition.

From here some clients may be asked to audition for the role/job. This could be by self tape, online or face to face.

We will confirm audition dates/times with you and confirm your attendance.


Please be aware that GLS Talent Management will always make sure suitable clients are submitted but this is a very competitive industry and there is never any guarantee you will be asked to audition or secure work. 



How do we communicate?


GLSTM use WhatsApp groups for our general generic communication i.e notices, questions for the group, requests etc.

There are 2 groups, under 18 and over 18. Under 18s will be the parents of our younger clients.

These groups are only used by admins. Replies on the groups are not permitted.

If a reply is needed we will request a personal WhatsApp or an email.

All other communication regarding personal issues, jobs, contracts, payments etc will be by email, phone or Zoom.



What does it mean if I get a 'recall'?


A recall means the Casting Director/Director or Production Company liked you and would like to see you again for another audition. If you did a self tape first, your recall could then be face to face. It does vary with each audition but we will give you all the details.



What does being 'pencilled' mean?


When you are put on a 'pencil' after an audition it means you are on the short list for the role.

This means you cannot take any other work on the dates provided for the role/job until you have been released from the pencil. Being released unfortunately means you were not selected/confirmed for the role/job this time.



What happens if I get selected for a role/job?


Once you are confirmed for a role/job there could be various things that may happen.


By law all children in year 11 and below need a child performance license.  

A licence can take up to 21 working days to be issued depending on your childs local authority.

We will send you all the relevant forms to fill in.

We will also need your childs birth certificate at this time.

This will need to be done the same day as requesting and as quickly as possible.


We will also check and negotiate contracts and send on contracts for you to read and sign.

Sometimes we sign on your childs behalf which is in our agency contract. 


Sometimes you may need to go for a costume fitting before the shoot. The child does not need a licence for this.


You must not have your hair cut or altered in anyway before you start the role/job.


Once everything is confirmed and signed you may not hear from us until a day or two before the shoot. This will be call times, location, accomodation information if neccessary, transport if applicable and any other details. These are not usually given out before the afternoon/evening on the day before the shoot. This is how the industry works and we have no control over this. Changes can be due to location, weather or schedules etc. As soon as we get the information it is passed to the client. In turn you must then confirm you have received all the relevant details.



How and when will I be paid?


The agent will pay all monies due to the artist, within 10 days of receipt from the client, without any deductions other than the agreed commission. The payment will be made into the bank account the artist has provided.

The agency can not pay into a parents account of an under 18 client. All clients have to have an account in their own name.

Please note most companies invoice terms are 60 days. This means you may not get paid until 2-3 months after completing a job.

The artist is responsible for their own Tax and NI when applicable.


GLSTM commission structure:

18% on all TV, film, voiceover, commercials, corporate and stills - fees, percentages and repeats.

15% on all theatre fees. (Including Cruises)


GLSTM do not take commission if a client finds their own work, or on chaperone fees, travel expenses/reimbursements

or covid test fees.

If a client finds their own work all we ask is that it can be promoted on our social media and Tagmin is updated.

If a client asks GLSTM to take over a job for them then a commission fee of 10% will be charged.



Are you on Social Media?


YES, We are on social media. When posting on social media we only ever post first names of our clients who are under 18.

We have a FB page: GLS Talent Management

Instagram: @glstalentmanagement 

Threads: @glstalentmanagement

X: @glstalentmgt

Please give us a like or a follow.


If you have any other questions, please email: info@glstalentmanagement.com